Tuesday, November 25, 2008

open lines


Distance keeps us apart for a while Although some of us are working closely for a special project, we never let distance break our bond and friendship. Once in a while we check each other and share lots of things going on through text messages.

Distance may keep us distracted for a while but still the dream lives on. We still share the same intensity of passion and ideas once our dream projects might start. The rest of our hotshot Kurisans are earning respect and admiration from the project heads regarding the great stuff that they are doing. The project is nearly done and a big possibility that it might expand since their hard works and artistry is commendable (awesome if others would truly say it). The group is proud of their achievements because they continue to help each other and share lots of good ideas to enhance their skills.

As much as possible we deal much on the positive thoughts and ideas of the group rather than let our hope fade. As long as we keep the lines open and the bond intact, we are not afraid to move on. Some of us might be going somewhere else to take care of our personal endeavors and careers but that’s just part of growing up, a preparation to jump back again to the Kuris dream once the right time comes. It won’t take years… just a few months to save some resources, ideas and work out to realize the great plans we had in mind.

We may not have total control of our fate, but as long as we really love what we can do with our artistic gifts, every obstacle is just a mere illusion. And on the other side the wall, we knew it is painted with our dreams and passion.
We never knew…the best is yet come.

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