Tuesday, September 30, 2008

kuris Art: Hex

The Educator (backcover digital artwork), CPU College of Education publication

X-men, my style
Alphanex of DestinyX flare-up!
Jean Grey and her children Cable, Nate Grey and Rachel Summers

F.R.E.A.K.—Titan, Hex and Midst
The Educator staff (anime)
Cycnex for The Educator backcover
Hex and Vortex on the loose!

Solar superheroes—Fujo, Micromax, Gravity, Zler and Felicity

Solar heroes assemble—Telethor, Flare, Gravator, Wave and Kujo
Eternal Hex
57 heroes--- teams includes Outmen, Solarmen, Solarmen 2K5, Outforce, F.R.E.A.K. and many more!
Me, myself and I—the artist

F.R.E.A.K. and friends—Midst, Hex, Titan, Vortex and Will Calibur


Stardate: 10.01.2008
Cosmic artist: Ronelo Ladiao
Login name: Hex
Team affiliation: Kuris Animation Unlimited
Mission log: unlock the portal of infinite dreams one artwork at a time

INITIATE SEQUENCE: hexkurisvision…

For a long time already, I have been holding back to what I may be truly capable of as an artist। When I was young, I used to be fascinated with superheroes and animated series in television. I can easily relate to such fictional characters and their never-ending adventures fighting supervillains. When I was in high school, I got hooked with X-men animated series and began discovering their comicbook stories. There was even a time when my priorities were altered since I learned to love X-men comicbooks. an
But even way back in my elementary years, I always have this passion for creative artistry about superheroes. Together with my younger brother who also shared the same artistic passion, we created some of my own notable superhero characters that until now remained glued in my head. I swear, I can still picture out their looks and their costumes in my mind as if I made them yesterday.
Even during class hours or whenever the teacher doesn’t watch my back, I love to pick up my pencil and start doodling weird superhero stuff in my notebooks. Though I’m so fond of superheroes I’ve seen in cartoons, I always utilize my creative side and invent my own characters. Oftentimes, they even have their own personal stories and struggles which I drafted in my head. When I finished high school, I still find myself doodling and creating my own superheroes. My classmates and close friends were my usual fans who always appreciate my unique kind of artistry. In fact, I drafted and wrote my earliest comicbooks for personal keep since elementary. Those times inspired me to dream of becoming a popular illustrator and writer for American comicbooks when the right time comes. I hope that day would come soon, hehe (but you know I believe I have the flair for it).
A lot of great things happened in my life, but my passion for superheroes, comicbooks and fictional stories remained tattooed in my consciousness for a long as I can remember. So when I learned about a short course offering in 2D Animation from TESDA, I immediately grabbed the opportunity. After a year of hectic training and bonding with my fellow animators, we made something great out of artistic endeavors. Kuris Animation Unlimited was born and The BEQUEST was created for a purpose of inspiring Ilonggo artists to be proud of their cultural heritage. Frankly speaking, it doesn’t need technological innovations alone but raw artistic gifts as well to jumpstart original Ilonggo animation.
I am truly proud of my artistic gifts because it shows how passionate I am on what I wanted to do with my life. Every bit of emotion evokes my artistry to prove something great out of my simple doodling and raw imaginations. And now as part of Kuris, I could truly say that my original superheroine creation called “Hex”, a gifted pyrokinetic messiah is an important element of our mini-universe of super-powered beings with their own unique stories and dreams—Kuris Universe. As I look back and reveal my favorite superhero creations, it leaves a feeling of solace within me because I know I expressed my true passion (not to mention that some of these characters were my own friends and classmates that I transformed into my own fictional heroes).
Okay, let me tell you about my superheroes… I think if Marvel has its own merry-mutants called the X-men, I have my own “Outmen” led by a psychic scientist named Telethor, elemental Cyclone, futuristic-ninja Ruby, invincible Marvela, atomic-shattering Ravok, sound-wave-generating Maxel, mystical-samurai Kujo and my own Wolvie-inspired guy, Redfox. I also have my own Batman-like justice knight called “Vanguard”, Superman-like supreme titan “Hendrix”, a mystical team of half-witch, half-mutants called DestinyX and so many others. Take note, if Marvel have mutants, I have my own super-powered mutates called “Solarians” whose ancestors were exposed to a cosmic ray sunlight centuries ago and their nemesis, the “Lunarians”, a group of mutates who were exposed to a cosmic-radiated moonlight rays from a refracted sunlight. It’s pretty complicated to tell everything about my own mini-verse of heroes but they’re all the same…they have the heart to save and protect the innocents, a spirit of goodness and justice within each of them.
Nuff said!


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