Sunday, November 29, 2009

Glimpse of artistry

Our pathway to artistic rise and passion was never easy. We embraced the challenges of fate, nurtured our friendship, and learn from each other’s artistic gifts. In everything we did in the past, it contains pieces of our heart and personality, visions and reveries, pain and joy. That’s the reason why we pursued what we love to do because deep inside us lies a flame of passion and artistic vision, a vision that desires a chance to be heard and seen as an artist.
Whatever we did in the past and the dream we keep inside us, we know that there will come a time that the desires of our heart will be fulfilled as one, as a team of artistic souls dreaming, fighting, waiting, hoping, and believing that we have what it takes to be dreamers who can fulfill their greatest dream.
This is a glimpse of our universe. This is a testimony of our humble artistry as artists and animators who are not afraid to follow the pathway of passion.
Our pencil and papers are instruments of our expressions.
What lies inside is the artist’s heart.
We are not called “Kuris” animators if we don’t have the courage to chase our dream.
Until now, we still believe in our dreams...

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