Thursday, September 4, 2008

Walk the talk

Here we come…
Pack your bags guys… we’re doing something relevant next month

Pasa Arte of Rock Ed, thanks we were inspired to do something like this.

Things have been spinning different lately. From the delay of our several projects (but we are determined to do it, I swear), change in plans, new responsibilities and blog attention we received, Kuris as a group is steady sailing to make things work well.
For one, the commercial project that we have been talking about might start a bit late since we are preparing the facilities and the group members that pledge to be involved might need to meet before pushing through. Well, this calls for another round of meeting again. We will do it maybe later this week.
The entry for the animation festival which is The BEQUEST might jumpstart its re-editing production next week. We just need to arrange the schedule and the storyboard first. The rest of the key members wanting to enhance the project have already upgraded their skills in 3D animation. Thanks to the availability of good facilities in the special project. In between work breaks, they are practicing hard in 3D and of course, having lots of fun. But we will get there and promise to make the entry worth boosting for the deadline.
There are new responsibilities waiting for us in the open. One of these is my appointment to provide vocals or voice over to several modules especially those modules handled by Sir Karlo. First, I did the voice over for Sir Naci’s module but when Sir K found out that I can actually do some nice voice over, he immediately approached me. I think this job is cool. I like doing it. When it comes to vocal works, the CIT department constructed a standard small studio for voice over which comes with complete facilities. Sir Joms is accommodating most of the time especially when the schedule is grueling and editing is really needed. The only thing that makes my voice over work very hard is the lack of air-con inside the studio. Sometimes, I need to gulp some C2 or mineral water to catch my breath or just come out for a while to grasp some fresh air, hehe. There are times that I drool over the hundred pages of modules that I need to provide the voice over. It’s fun and that makes it worth it.
Okay, I think I had enough of this blog attention we received lately from Brian Gorrell. I mean, the blogger extraordinaire is really impressed with our works and he’s serious in uplifting some good Pinoy talents out there. Sometimes, my personal messages for him were even posted in his blog but he make sure he hides my name or from whom it came from. It’s okay, he respect free speech and privacy, hehe. But seriously, a lot of emails and text messages pour in to express their appreciation for the group and The BEQUEST. Now I realize that we did a good job, not just good one but somehow an impressive output with the short film. The local media in Iloilo are also watching everything in Gorrell’s blog and the things he talk about us (Brian called it “result”).
Anyway, before I teleport away, I wish that this little idea of making October 19, our graduation day last year would be made into something relevant kind of event. I proposed to Janelyn, the group’s treasurer to organize a charity/art workshop event on that day to celebrate meaningfully our first year anniversary. The date falls on Sunday, so it’s a great time to free ourselves from pressure, go out and share the artist’s life to some less fortunate kids. The venue would be discussed in our future post along with some relevant and generous sponsors.

For now, it’s a hectic week and we need to pick our heads to where we should start first to make the first step possible.
Hex out…for now.

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